Dive into what makes our location unique — and who your neighbors could be if you become a Bayhawk.

A Brief History

San Francisco Bay University exists at the apex of innovation — Silicon Valley — which has been a hotbed of digital disruption since the release of the IBM personal computer (PC) in the early 1980s.
Over the last 40+ years, the technology sector has accounted for massive economic expansion — but according to a 2020 report from the Brookings Institution, most of these jobs still reside in one of five major coastal cities: Seattle, Boston, San Diego, and — you guessed it — San Francisco and San Jose.
Silicon Valley aerial
At SFBU, we pride ourselves on being among some of the biggest movers and shakers in the tech industry. Why? Because both our students and our entire community benefit from this dynamic digital landscape.

Industry Growth

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, technology jobs represent one of the strongest growing occupational cohorts. It projects 377,500 openings each year for computer and information technology roles between 2022 and 2032. In 2023, their reported median annual wage was $104,420 — more than double that for all occupations.

Why the high demand? Because jobs in cloud computing, big data collection and storage, and information security grow by the day. As technological advancements evolve, so too must the industry charged with sourcing the professionals needed to lead us. Even ancillary industries, such as computer systems design, management and technical consulting services will all see growth in the coming decade.

That’s why our degree programs focus on preparing graduates to succeed at the intersection of technology and human creativity.

The Who’s Who of Tech Companies

Speaking of the intersection of business and technology, here’s a quick look at some of the industry leaders that share our backyard:

Amazon: If you want to talk about a tech behemoth, you have to start with Amazon. With multiple Bay Area locations including Sunnyvale, Cupertino, Palo Alto, and San Francisco, Amazon offers careers in divisions like Web Services, Game Studios, Lab126, Digital Music, Prime Now, and even subsidiaries like Audible and Twitch.

Tesla: Want to work somewhere on the cutting edge of technology? Tesla has been making waves right here in Fremont, California, where SFBU calls home. Their technology forever changed the game for electric vehicles, paving the way for others to follow suit. SFBU students interested in green automotive solutions get a first-row view of one of the best to ever do it.

ASUS: Otherwise known as ASUSTeK Computer Inc, ASUS is one of our closest neighbors. You won’t have far to go too far south of SFBU’s campus before you reach their U.S. headquarters. A multinational computer and smartphone electronics company, they manufacture and sell everything from personal computers to monitors, graphics cards to routers, and more.

These companies may be our closest neighbors, but they are by no means the only players in the vicinity. SFBU students will graduate with career opportunities at companies including:

  • Google
  • Meta / Facebook
  • Microsoft
  • Dell
  • PayPal
  • GoPro
  • Nvidia

How We Help Bayhawks Succeed 

Rather than setting lofty goals and learning objectives that aren’t grounded in real industry needs, we leveraged the Silicon Valley community to identify the most in-demand qualities in new graduates. In addition to the hard skills expected in today’s competitive job market, SFBU alumni possess the emotional, interpersonal and ethical awareness to impact an organization at the highest level.

SFBU graduates are tenacious leaders who understand the power of growing through what they go through. Their ability to embrace challenges with a growth mindset and creative solutions inspires others to do the same. As interpersonally gifted contributors, they build bridges and meaningful relationships. They are masters of communication, collaboration and teamwork.

Rather than viewing cultural differences as barriers to connection, SFBU graduates are global navigators who celebrate diversity as an integral part of progress. As constructive citizens in an interconnected, digital world, they understand the value of being open minded and compassionate. This humanity is central to their identity as tech trendsetters who recognize that technology is a valuable tool when harnessed responsibly. They lean in to understand, work with and shape digital innovations.

Take artificial intelligence (AI), for example. SFBU isn’t just teaching its students to copy prompts and paste the end product elsewhere; we’re challenging them to understand the underlying logic, to grapple with the ethical — and sometimes legal — implications of its expansion, and to become stewards for its responsible and constructive use. SFBU graduates are enlightened thinkers who understand the power of informed decision-making, and how to harness research, logic, intuition, creativity and critical thinking equally to guide their path forward.