Anxiety around financial trials and post-graduate life decisions is common in undergraduate students, but it doesn’t have to be. We’re committed to equipping our students with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the real world successfully.

Finances: From Aid to Real-World Math to Seed Funding

Financial challenges are a leading cause of student mental health and academic challenges. To ensure you can learn free of traditional restraints, we offer extensive aid options to help you finance your degree — and in many cases, pay for it entirely. But the interactions you have with our financial aid office are just the beginning of our support system.

As we designed our new Core Curriculum, we elected to shift the narrative around quantitative reasoning skills. Learning math purely for the sake of possessing the knowledge proves to fail our students long-term. How many of us could solve differential equations before we knew how to balance a checkbook or establish our own spending budget?

Rather than hammering a nail that’s been beaten beyond recognition, we thought it prudent to familiarize students with the math that governs our day-to-day lives and the greater world around us.

You'll unlock the beauty and power of math, appreciating its role in almost everything: sales, history, cutting-edge scientific discoveries, and even its potential to support your own big ideas for social or technological impact. And on that note, we’re comitted to helping student start-ups get off the ground by covering initial costs or helping to raise capital.

Life Lessons Inside and Outside of the Classroom

Paramount to becoming literate in life is learning how to understand your own existence. As author and physician Atul Gawande wrote in his book Being Mortal, “In the end, people don't view their life as merely the average of all its moments — which, after all, is mostly nothing much plus some sleep. For human beings, life is meaningful because it is a story.”  

Accordingly, How to Tell Your Story is one of the first Core classes you’ll take. You’ll examine the experiences that inform your worldview while adding to and refining the tools you have to communicate it effectively.

Another early Core course is How to Design Your Personal and Professional Life, which helps you employ design-thinking to intentionally craft the future chapters of your story.

But not all life lessons can be taught within four walls; often, these “lessons” present as unwelcome hurdles that can catch even the most nimble young adults by surprise. That’s why wellness is one of the central pillars that defines the Bayhawk student experience. You’re bound to fail, and our holistic support system ensures that you can do so without fear.