We leveraged our Silicon Valley community to identify the most in-demand skills and characteristics for new graduates. Beyond their professional prowess, SFBU alumni possess the emotional, interpersonal and ethical awareness to create their own version of success.

The Signature Skills of SFBU Students

Through the Agility Praxis Pathway (APP), their major courses and electives, students will hone the following 15 skills:


Growth Mindset



The drive and commitment to continuous self-improvement through exploration, practice and sustained effort. This involves embracing challenges as opportunities for development.

Creative Problem-Solving

The capacity to ask critical questions and analyze information from various perspectives to devise innovative and effective solutions to complex challenges.

Productive Optimism

The ability to maintain a positive and forward-thinking outlook, recognizing challenges, yet actively focusing on solutions and opportunities. 

Emotional Intelligence


The ability to accurately perceive, understand and appropriately modulate one's own emotions, and to empathize with the emotions of others, using this awareness to guide actions and communications.

Collaborative Team-Building

The skill of partnering with diverse groups by valuing and integrating various viewpoints in the decision-making process.

Communication Excellence

The ability to connect and develop relationships through the oral, written and visual exchange of ideas.

Cultural Competence

The skill of respectfully engaging with people from various cultural backgrounds (e.g. race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, ability, religion and national origin) while advocating for their dignity and well-being.

Bias Management

The ability to recognize, address and mitigate personal biases to ensure equitable understanding, respect and treatment for individuals of diverse cultures (e.g. race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, ability, religion and national origin).

Diversity and Inclusion Advocacy


The commitment to working respectfully and effectively with people from diverse backgrounds, recognizing and addressing specific challenges they face, and actively promoting inclusive practices.

Tech Agility

The willingness to remain current and up-to-date on technological advancements and adapt thoughts and actions in response to emerging trends.

Digital Innovation

The ability to implement digital advancements to solve problems and create new possibilities.

AI Stewardship

Thoughtfully guarding the usage of artificial intelligence tools toward the betterment of society.

Interdisciplinary Curiosity

The pursuit of interdisciplinary research, perspectives and insights.

Integrative Decision-Making

The capability to discern and combine reliable and trustworthy information, insights, and perspectives from multiple disciplines to make comprehensive and well-informed decisions.

Critical Inquiry


The ability to remain skeptical about assumptions and use logic, reasoning, research and data to evaluate information.

SFBU Student Identities

Each set of competencies fall under one of five central Bayhawk student identities:

  • Tenacious Leader: You understand the power of growing through what you go through. Your ability to embrace challenges with a growth mindset and creative solutions inspires others to do the same.
  • Interpersonally Gifted: You build bridges and meaningful relationships. You are a master of communication, collaboration and teamwork.
  • Global Navigator: You understand the value of being a world citizen in an interconnected global community. You appreciate and work seamlessly with people from diverse cultures (e.g., race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, ability, religion, and national origin).
  • Tech Trendsetter: You recognize that technology is a valuable tool when harnessed responsibly. You lean in to understand, work with and shape digital innovations.
  • Enlightened Thinker: You understand the power of informed decision-making. You harness research, logic, intuition, creativity and critical thinking to make wise decisions. 

    Student Identities


    Tenacious Leader

    Growth Mindset

    Creative Problem-Solving

    Productive Optimism

    Interpersonally Gifted

    Emotional Intelligence

    Collaborative Team-Building

    Communication Excellence

    Global Navigator

    Cultural Competence

    Bias Management

    Diversity and Inclusion Advocacy

    Tech Trendsetter

    Tech Agility

    Digital Innovation

    AI Stewardship

    Enlightened Thinker

    Interdisciplinary Curiosity

    Integrative Decision-Making

    Critical Inquiry