You are the mission

When students are at the heart of their higher education experience, it changes the entire dynamic of earning a degree. Your value becomes innate — independent of your potential contributions to our community.
Because who you are now — not just who you'll be tomorrow — is worth it, and worth everything. At San Francisco Bay University, we seek to know you not because of what you can bring to our table, but because of what we might bring to yours. 
Your humanity is sacred, and we won’t leverage it to promote our prestige. And as your educational, emotional, interpersonal and professional path continues to chart new territories, so too does our support.

Students are the beginning, middle and end of everything we do at San Francisco Bay University. That means our learning and teaching philosophy holds their success in the highest regard.

The six pillars of the student experience

Foundational to these pillars is an intentionally designed core curriculum that was developed with industry leaders to ensure graduates are ready for the workforce. We also train faculty to teach in a way that addresses key principles and core competencies that are cultivated throughout the student journey. Learn more about the core curriculum>>

Anxiety around college and post-graduate life is normal, but it doesn’t have to be. We provide students with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate life’s most common twists and turns. We infuse all student-facing services with these lessons to ensure both their personal and professional success. Learn more about financial and life literacy support>>

The mental, physical and spiritual wellness of a student contributes to their ability to advance in their education and serve the common good. With the student in the center of the experience, SFBU supports the whole wellness of a person.  Learn more about SFBU health and wellness support>>

Intentionally creating a matrix of relationships that provides a wrap-around support system for students empowers them to thrive — and feel secure in their future even if they falter. Learn more about the support services available>>

Financial challenges are a leading cause of student mental health and academic challenges. We embed financial literacy and support in the SFBU experience from aid discussions prior to applying, to curricula focused around real-world math, to securing seed funding for student start-ups. Learn more the financial support available>>

Through extensive research and interviews with our Silicon Valley community, we identified the most in-demand competencies students need to lead the industry. Then, we took it a step further and built them into the whole student journey.