Industry Partners

In addition to the bonds our students forge with their peers and professors, we prioritize building powerful connections with local organizations at the institutional level to support educational and economic development. Because community builds opportunities — and at SFBU, we prioritize opportunities for our students. 

Building Community at Every Level

The old business idiom goes, “Your network is your net worth.” But at SFBU, connections are more than just currency — they’re the basis of four of the six pillars of the student experience.

  1. We leverage our Silicon Valley contacts to identify the competencies cultivated through our academic programs, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. By keeping our finger on the pulse of what our neighbors expect from students, we can educate and guide them more effectively on their path toward success.
  2. Our focus on internships and community events enables students to engage with the professional world throughout their educational journey. This contributes to our graduates’ life literacy, which helps to reign in anxieties around what happens after graduation.
  3. We emphasize forging multiple meaningful relationships between Bayhawks and their peers, instructors and advisors — and see no reason why this shouldn’t extend beyond the walls of our institution. If the goal of this pillar is to establish a “matrix” of support, industry connections are invaluable additions.
  4. Lastly, a robust institutional network contributes to each individual’s potential for career mobility. Moreover, we reject the notion that professional relationships are limited to their transactional value. Instead, we encourage students to center humanity on their upward journey, no matter their chosen professional path upward. Because when one of us wins, we all win.

Our Partners

San Francisco Bay University’s partner program continues to grow as we increase community involvement. To learn more or to partner with us, please email SFBU’s Vice President of Strategy and Innovation, Dr. Heather Herrera at

We are proud to partner with the following organizations, sharing a commitment to empowering the next generation of learners and professionals:

  • College Track
  • East Bakersfield High School
  • Cristo Rey de La Salle East Bay High School
  • Silicon Valley Leadership Group
  • Jobs for the Future
  • MyOwnBusiness Institute
  • Calbright College
  • Latino Education Advancement Foundation (LEAF)
  • Junior Achievement of Northern California
  • Cristo Rey San Jose Jesuit High School
  • Amethod Public Schools
  • Latino College Preparatory Academy
  • Growth Sector
  • Linked Learning Alliance
  • Social Finance
  • Eskolta
  • Building Thinkers
  • MOBI
Logo of College Track
Silicon Valley Leadership Group logo
Junior Achievement logo
Cristo Rey logo
Inspirame logo
East Bakersfield High School logo
My Own Business Institute logo
Latino College Prep logo
Building thinkers logo
AlmaLearning logo
AMPS logo
Latino Education Advancement Foundation logo
Cristo Rey logo
Eskolta logo
Excelencia in Education logo