The BS in business administration leverages our Silicon Valley community to offer a leading education at the intersection of business, technology and human creativity.  


(Both in-person and online coursework available )


Average units 
per semester


Cost per unit
(2023-2024 rate)


transferrable units

Graduates of the bachelor’s in business administration program will be able to unite modern management principles with information science and data analytics tools to solve the business challenges of today — and tomorrow.

Students who complete the program will achieve mastery of the following industry-aligned competencies:

  • Written and Oral Communication: Succinctly and clearly capture complex business concepts and their technological corollaries through the written and spoken word. 
  • Quantitative Reasoning: Comprehensively apply computer and non-computer-assisted quantitative methods to inform, measure and optimize business functions.
  • Critical Thinking: Holistically analyze problems and propose efficient, well-reasoned solutions grounded in modern business and technological tenets.
  • Specialized Knowledge: Leverage an understanding of management, finance, accounting, marketing, and information technology principles to improve operational efficiency and overall success.

SFBU requires a minimum of 120 units for graduation. We break them down into the following quantities and categories:

  • 36 units of general education courses
    • 12 units in English language communication and critical thinking
    • Nine units in mathematics and natural sciences
    • Six units in arts and humanities
    • Nine units in social sciences
  • 60 units of major courses 
    • 34 of which are required
    • 26 of which are chosen from the major pool
  • 24 units of electives

The following required major courses focus largely on business administration, information technology and professional development.

  • ACC110: Financial Accounting (3)
  • BAN199: Excel for Finance, Accounting & Analytics (3)
  • BLAW310: Introduction to Business Law (3)
  • BUS450: Professional & Technical Writing (3)
  • ECON201: Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
  • ECON202: Principles of Microeconomics (3)
  • FIN310: Fundamentals of Finance (3)
  • MGT310: Principles of Management (3)
  • MGT451: Project Management (3)
  • MGT480: Entrepreneurship (3)
  • MKT310: Principles of Marketing (3)
  • BAN460*: Introduction to Business Analytics (3)
  • P450 **: Career Development (1)

Students select 26 total units from the major pool below:

  • ACC110L: Financial Accounting Lab (1)
  • ACC120: Managerial Accounting (3)
  • ACC120L: Managerial Accounting Lab (1)
  • ACC450: Cost Accounting (3)
    ACC451: Intermediate Accounting – I (3)
    ACC451L: Intermediate Accounting – I Lab (1)
    ACC490: Introduction to Taxation (3)
    BAN223*: SQL & Relational Databases (3)
    BAN335*: Python Introduction for Commerce (3)
    BAN337*: JavaScript (3)
    BAN452: Excel for Finance, Accounting, & Analytics (3)
    BAN455*: Server-Side Data Processing Using Python/PHP (3)
    BAN460L*: Introduction to Business Analytics Lab (1)
    BAN463*: Data Visualization (3)
    BAN470: Introduction to Machine-Learning-Based Prediction Modeling and Forecasting (3)
    BAN472*: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) (3)
    BUS493: Senior Project (3)
    CPT401: Curricular Practicum (1)
    CPT402: Curricular Practicum (2)
    MGT450: Organizational Behavior and Management (3)
    MGT460*: Production and Operations Management     (3)
    MGT460L*: Production and Operations Management Lab (1)
    MKT221: HTML & CSS Web Page Construction (3)
    MKT450: Marketing Management (3)
    SOC501: Emotional Intelligence Essentials (3)

* Business Analytics Concentration applicable, BAN5xx courses may also be used (applied as free electives)
** SOC501 may be used as a substitute for P450

A minimum of 24 units of elective coursework promotes a breadth of knowledge, in addition to the depth of the degree program. Electives may include courses from the School of Business, the School of Engineering, courses bearing graduate level credit, and transferable undergraduate-level courses. Please note that prerequisites and corequisites must be met. (A prerequisite is a course that must be taken before registering for another course; a corequisite is a course that must be taken at the same time as another course.)

When applicable, students may take curricular practicum training (CPT) to earn credit for internship-based projects directly related to their course of study.

We encourage business students interested in pursuing business administration as a profession to take additional management and marketing courses. Those who are more interested in information science careers might consider computer science (CS) courses from the School of Engineering. We also encourage them to take BLAW482: Information Policy, Governance, and Compliance, and IT electives such as BAN455: Server-Side Data Processing Using Python/PHP.

Business students considering a future career as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) should seek additional advising upon matriculation. The California Board of Accountancy requires substantial education and training beyond the scope of the business administration bachelor’s program. We encourage students to review the CBA’s numerous requirements and focus all elective and General Education coursework towards meeting them, where possible.

In addition to earning their bachelor’s, students can pursue an official concentration in business analytics by completing 12 applicable units (typically 4 courses).

We advise students to complete the required coursework before meeting with the Registrar's Office. Even if the student has earned sufficient units, their official transcript will not reflect the concentration until they submit a formal request.

Due to logistics, last-minute concentration requests and changes may not be approved at the discretion of the Registrar's Office.

Students can apply the following courses to the business analytics concentration:

  • BAN223: SQL & Relational Databases
  • BAN335: Python Introduction for Commerce
  • BAN337: JavaScript
  • BAN452: Excel for Finance, Accounting & Analytics
  • BAN455: Server-Side Data Processing Using Python/PHP
    BAN460: Introduction to Business Analytics
    BAN460L: Introduction to Business Analytics Lab
    BAN463: Data Visualization
    BAN470: Introduction to Machine Learning Based Prediction Modeling and Forecasting
    BAN472: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    BAN501: Quantitative Methods for Business
    BAN520: Business Analytics for Dashboards
    BAN524: Intermediate Business Analytics
    BAN572: Process Management for Analytics
    BAN589: Special Topics on Analytics, Strategy, and Applied Information
    MGT501: Agile Project Management
    MGT460: Production and Operations Management
    MGT460L: Production and Operations Management Lab